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Eager Beaver Football Club

Eager Beaver Football Club



please note, information in the FAQ section is based off of our current season and some things may change from year to year.

~ We take safety seriously.

We put the safety of our athletes in top priority.  Each of our coaches are certified through USA Football.  In order to get their certifications they must complete their Heads Up Tackling coaches certification course.  In addition to that, they are required to complete the NFHS concussion awareness course. These are both online classes that take about 10 hours to complete and have a test at the end. 

~ What is the age minimum age requirement?

EBFC athletes need to be 6 years old by August 1st AND registered in kindergarten to participate.

~ Where/When/How long are practices?

Practices are held at Ankeney Middle School. A Board Member will assist you in going to the correct location on the first day of practice after check-in. BANTAM ATHLETES NEED TO HAVE AN ADULT ON SITE FOR THE ENTIRE PRACTICE TIME

FOOTBALL: practice is Monday-Friday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm until school starts at which point the schedule changes to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Some teams will end practice at 7:30 depending on the coach.

CHEER: practice is Monday - Thursday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm until school starts at which point the schedule changes to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00pm - 8:00 pm.  Some squads may end practice at 7:30 and/or go down to 2 days a week after the cheer expo at the decision of the coach.


Most teams will not be complete until after the first week of practice, therefore team information will not be given out until then.  Due to this, team parents will not be selected ahead of time.  Signing up as being available to serve as a team parent does not guarantee filling that role.  Coaching or assistant coaching might be an option. When you arrive at the first practice, please come to the check in table where board members will verify your paperwork (links below) and direct you where to go.


~ What are the residency requirements for participation?

        All participants must live within the Beavercreek City School district boundary. Participants do not need to attend Beavercreek City Schools; however, they must live within the designated boundaries of the school district. An exception to this rule is for any parent or legal guardian that is a full-time employee of the Beavercreek City School district.

~ Does my child need a physical?

Yes.  All athletes are required to have a sports physical form filled out and turned in before they are able to participate.  This is NOT the same as well child visit.  A sports physical must be done in the same year as the season.  Per league requirements, there are NO exceptions to this.  Physicals must be filled out on the GCYC league form.

~ How many games are there?

Each team and grade level has 8 regular season games and at least 1 tournament game. Games will typically begin the 2nd weekend in August. We have one game per weekend, with the exception of Labor Day weekend. The latest the season would go would be the first weekend in November for teams who make it to the super bowl.

~ How much travel is there?

All of the teams and fields within the GCYC are about 30-50 minutes away. See the FIELD DIRECTIONS tab for details.  

~ How long do games last? 

Games last approximately 90 minutes. Football players are asked to arrive at the field one hour before their scheduled game time.  Cheerleaders are asked to arrive 45 minutes early.  Please note that game days sometimes run behind so please plan accordingly.

~ Is There Guaranteed Playing Time? (Football Players)

Each child is guaranteed a minimum of 10 plays per game (5 per half) according to the GCYC league rules. Non-contact plays such as field goal attempts or punts do not count towards the play total. Player injury, illness or disciplinary action may affect playing time rule.

~ Why are we required to participate in the fundraiser?

In order to keep registration costs down we require that each athlete participate in our fundraiser with a family maximum of 2. The money raised goes towards costs of running the club, maintaining the equipment, and other essential expenses.  As a non-profit organization, you have access to our booking records upon request.

~ Can we opt out of the fundraiser?

YES! We do offer the option to buy out of the fundraiser. The opt out fee is determined each year. The 2024 opt out fee is $125 with a family maximum of $250. The decision for this option must be made by no later than the Equipment Handout date.  If you choose to opt out you WILL STILL RECEIVE 10 raffle tickets to be entered into the drawing.

~ What other costs are there?

Football players are required to purchase their own cleats, cup, mouth guard, black socks, padded practice pants
                                         Game pants are NOT permitted to be used at practices!!  
          We recommend pants with the pads sewn in rather than the ones that attach separately.  

       Cheerleaders are required to purchase solid white cheer shoes, an EBFC approved turtleneck, cheer bow, and white no show athletic socks.*  
* please note: the required items are subject to change as prices change from season to season.

                                                     All athletes are REQUIRED to go to a sizing.

Ticket prices for game admission are $5 per person season. Individual teams may have “slush fund” to help cover the costs of additional team specific items such as pink socks and year end celebrations.  Home game volunteers get free admission for the day.

~ Are play with requests honored?

Unfortunately, due to the size of our organization we do not honor play with requests. However, we will make every effort to accommodate any family that may have transportation issues. In the event that there is such an issue, please contact our Club President at [email protected].  

~ We registered, why am I not receiving emails?

Emails sent by the club go to the email addresses listed on the registration that was completed for the current season.  If you have multiple accounts, emails are only sent to the account your child was registered with for the current year.  If there are other family members who need access to our emailed information, you can create additional account users in your account settings.  Each account is able to take 2 email addresses, any additional emails will require the creation and acceptance of an additional account user. Due to the system settings, we are not able to add additional email addresses to the list.

If you have checked all of the above and you are still not receiving emails, please check your spam folder and blocked email list.

~ What should I do if my child decides they don't want to participate anymore?

We understand that this happens from time to time.  We ask that your child understands that signing up for EBFC is making a commitment to all of the other athletes who are a part of their team. 

~ We are registered, what else do I need to do?

Stay connected  

There will be important dates shared as they come available for uniform sizing, camps, equipment hand-out, weigh-in (football), and more.  Email and facebook are the best ways to get information.

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